Our annual winter community concert on Saturday, February 6, 2021 has been canceled due to the Coronavirus Pandemic in the United States. We are rescheduled for Saturday, February 5, 2022. Tickets are free but seating is reserved. Please contact us via email at milwaukeepoliceband@yahoo.com or call and leave a message at 414-935-7933 later in 2021.

Please enjoy photos and memories from our annual winter community concert on Saturday, February 8, 2020 .  


The 2020 Milwaukee Police Band keeps on playing and playing and playing…


Our concert is always made extra special by our vocalists that sing with us year after year. (L to R), John Michalski, John Jorgensen, P.O. Nick Waszak, Lt. Carolyn Birch, Kerri Jokala and Shannon Smikowski.


Shannon Smikowski has been an outstanding vocalist with the Milwaukee Police Band through the years. This year she performed the music of the Greatest Showman to a very appreciative audience.


Each year our Milwaukee Police Band Kids do an exceptional performance for our band and this year was a great one. Captain Marvel and the Avengers were on stage as Thanos was defeated by a Milwaukee Police Officer.


Coming all the way from Virginia and Chicago, we welcomed guests Louisa Hall and Anne Nardolilli on vocals and Corie Eliason on violin. Loudoun County Virginia Deputy Sheriff Anne Nardolilli and her bandmates performed a song that she wrote entitled “More Than A Name” honoring fallen officers. They performed this song for the 2019 National Law Enforcement Memorial in Washington D.C. and we invited them to come to our concert to perform this song you can listen to below. They received a standing ovation for this incredibly special performance and we thank them ever so much for coming so far to perform for our special audience.

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We were especially honored to have Carole Meekins as our emcee of our concert for the second year in a row. 
has been reporting and anchoring news for more than three
decades. She's been at TODAY'S TMJ4 for 28 years. She is the co-anchor of Live
at 5 at TODAY'S TMJ4 and is the executive producer and host of
"Positively Milwaukee with Carole Meekins," a weekly show that started airing
Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. on February 16, 2020.  


Our concerts include special guests and this was no exception. We welcomed Inspector Terrence Gordon and Lieutenant Carolyn Birch to sing a special duet.

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Our very own band photographer retired Detective Carol Starr doubled also as a triangle player in her debut performance with the band. She was so glad to have crossed another one off of her bucket list in honor of George Plimpton.


The Milwaukee Police Band Jazz Ensemble.


Our incredible sax section (R to L), retired Forensic Investigator David Granica, P.O. Nick Waszak, Ella Frank, and out of the picture hidden by music stands, Dennis Stuebner and P.O. Mark Kubicek.

The concert ended with an encore of song by everyone on stage and in the audience singing verse one of , “You Are My Sunshine”.